The purpose of this website is to share information about my personal projects. By sharing projects, adventures and opinions, I hope to help inspire you to get started on your own projects.

I have a number of costs associated with running this website — hosting, tech help, and more. To help cover these cost I use affiliate links in posts when they are available. These link do not increase your final cost, but I do receive a small commission if your purchase using the links.

However, because my integrity is much more important than making a quick buck, I always seek to have your best interests in mind first and foremost. I only post links to products or services I have personally purchased or tried.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely mine and I do my best to always be honest and forthright in what I share.

If you ever have questions or concerns, please drop me an email. Thanks for visiting www.MosquitoTrail.com